Sabtu, 17 April 2010

History of Javanese Gamelan

Gamelan is a set of musical instruments with pentatonic melodies, which consists of: Kendang, Bonang, Bonang Router, demung, Saron, Peking (Gamelan), Kenong & kethuk, Slenthem, Gender, Gong, Gambang, Rebab,, siter, Flute.
The main components of gamelan music instruments are: bamboo, metal, and wood. Each instrument has its own function in gamelan music show

Gamelan word itself is derived from the Javanese language "gamel" which means hitting / beating, followed by the suffix "an" that makes it as a noun. The gamelan has the meaning of the term as an integral instrument played together.
There is no clarity about the history of the creation of this instrument. However, the orchestra is expected when the culture was born out of Hinduism - Buddhism dominated Indonesia. Although there are differences in development with Indian music, there are still some features that are not lost, one of them is how to "sing" her song.. Commonly referred to as male singers is called wiraswara and female singers called waranggana or sinden.
According to Javanese mythology, the gamelan was created by Sang Hyang Guru in Saka era. He is a god who controlled all the land of Java, with palaces on the mountain Mahendra Medangkamulan areas (now Mount Lawu).

Gamelan musical instruments which first created the "gong", which is used to summon the gods. After that, to convey a special message, Sang Hyang Guru returned to create some other equipment such as two gongs, until finally forming a set of gamelan.
At the time of Majapahit, gamelan instruments developed very well to reach today's form and spread in several areas such as Bali, and Sunda (West Java).
The first authentic evidence of the existence of gamelan found at Candi Borobudur (Borobudur temple), Magelang, Central Java, established since the 8th century. In his reliefs seen some equipment such as bamboo flute, chimes, drums in various sizes, harp, musical instruments and plucked strings are swiped, including a description of the elements of metal musical instruments. Subsequent developments, the orchestra used to accompany wayang and dance performances.. Until finally stood up as the music itself and are equipped with voice sinden.
Gamelan expanding in Central Java, a little different from Balinese gamelan or Sundanese gamelan. Javanese gamelan has a softer tone when compared with the dynamic Balinese gamelan and Sundanese gamelan and dominated by lilting flute sound. According to some studies, the difference is the result of the disclosure to the view of life "Javanese people" in general.

The view in question is: as the Javanese people always have to "maintain the harmony of physical and spiritual life, and speak and act in harmony." Therefore, "Javanese people" always avoid explosive expression and strives to achieve tolerance. The most obvious manifestation in gamelan music is the pull string fiddle that is, a balanced blend of sound kenong, saron drum and xylophone and gong sounds on every cover of a rhythm.
. Gamelan orchestra tuning and manufacturing is a highly complex process. Gamelan tuning using four ways, namely "slendro", "pelog", "Degung" (special area of Sunda, or West Java), and "madenda" (also known as the diatonic), the same as the original minor scale that is widely used in Europe.
  • Slendro has five tones per octave, namely: 1 2 3 5 6 [C-D E + GA] with small differences in the interval.
  • Pelog has seven tones per octave, namely: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [C + D E-F # G # AB] with a large difference interval.
Gamelan music compositions created by some rules, which consist of several rounds and pathet, limited by a gong and the melodies were created in a unit consisting of four tones.

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

Java Tradition

Ruwahan derived from the word "Ruwah" is a sequence to seven months, and coincided with the month of sya’ban in Hijriyyah year. Ruwah Ruwah own words have the root word "spirit" or spirits of ancestors and forefathers. It is said that this is the meaning of the word ghost month, serve as the month to commemorate the ancestors.
Ruwahan done ten days before the fasting month (Ramadan. In this tradition a number of rites were held according to tradition and customs in each respective region or hamlets. The event starts from Mid syaban event, the procession around the city, besrik (clean villages) which are accompanied by small slametan ago kenduren at night. The next morning nyadran done, until its end at the end of the day padusan just before Lent. This tradition symbolizes the essence of purity and taste the joy of entering the religious fasting is a form of individual and collective faith of piety.
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Megengan tradition usually lasts a week before Eid. This tradition is carried out by sending food to the families and neighbors. Diverse types of food can be like: rice cone, Iwak ingkung, keper, thontho, gereh pethek, tempe, and will be but three kinds of food that should not be left out of sticky rice, compote, and apem. Each food type has a specific meaning and significance.
Ketan , or Sticky rice, this food is a symbol of close ties.
Kolak, foods that were processed using the sweet coconut milk, a symbol of familial relationships that are always harmonious and happy.
Apem, meaning foods that have a willingness to forgive each other
Megengan this tradition was not only to maintain social relationships but also helped turn the wheels of the economy. People needs food to surprise the market raises megengan ruwahan city-city students in Java. Since the number of people gathered, and a festive atmosphere make this shocked the market into one exciting event, just like Dugderan in Semarang or Dhandangan in Kudus. No wonder this ruwahan tradition of making people who live outside the area, always longing for home or called forth ruwahan.
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Nyadran Nyadran

Nyadran is a pilgrimage to the tomb to remind people of its origins (sangkan paraning dumadi) that the ancestors. Nyadran in membersihkah introduce the tomb and its surroundings from the weeds and trash and read the Prophet and yasin pray to God that those who have not always get a blessing from Gusti Allah.
Nyadran itself is derived from the word "Sradha", which is a tradition started by Queen Tribuana Tunggadewi, the third king of Majapahit. At that time Queen would like to make a prayer to the Queen mother Gayatri, and the spirit of ancestors who have been cremated at the temple Jabo. For such purpose dipersiapkanlah farrago servings to be donated to the gods. After the death of Queen Tribuana Tunggadewi, this tradition was continued also by Hayam Wuruk.
In the Islamic religion spread by the Wali Songo, the tradition was later adopted into nyadran ceremony as it aims to pray for the parents in the afterlife. As mentioned in various hadith, that when someone has died and is in the nature barzah, then all the good deeds in the world to be cut off except three things, namely jariyah charity, beneficial knowledge and a pious child's prayer. Therefore, it becomes the obligation of children and grandchildren to always pray for the dead spirits of their ancestors. Only dish that is made is no longer reserved for the gods, but as a means of alms to the poor.
In the event nyadran, assorted flowers sprinkled on the grave of their people we love, therefore also called nyekar nyadran (sekar = interest). The beauty and fragrance of flowers became a symbol for always remembering all the beautiful and the good of those who have preceded.
Tradition ruwahan rite concludes with the event padusan usually performed after Asr Dhuhr or to cleanse themselves physically and spiritually into the month of Ramadan.

Minggu, 14 Februari 2010

Javanese Philosopy

Nrimo ing pandum
, is one of the Javanese philosophy that has very deep philosophy. Therefore, it would be unwise if this philosophy only means of three rows of the word, that person must accept all that is obtained, without opposition and without any effort to change.
Ing Nrimo pandum is in fact a personal internal management of Java, which are consciously see that: in this life is not always the fact that we have received, together with what we expect. There are always things that we dislike, we do not want, which later turned out to be a part of learning and debriefing about life.

The depth of this simple philosophy of Java, located on an awareness that "What there is, even the most contrary to the ideals that we want is part of the will of the Divine Life, God Almighty."
God willed the world as a meeting place for two things that we often maknai pleasant and unpleasant, like the afternoon - evening, the light-dark, sad-happy, etc..
Java philosophy is very aware that "Wong Urip Sakdremo nglampahi" (people living just underwent) with all the resources, effort and capital to live a very privileged, that is reasonable and heart.

With a sense, we are entitled and obliged to seek and to change all that by our reason is not fun, we did not expect to be the opposite. Although virtually all of it is the result of thinking of ourselves
Is not excessive, with such a limited sense, we must be able to face difficulties and problems. with a heart would not let go it will be tougher when facing all the difficulties?.
We realize the real Java philosophy that if there is a hardship, difficulty or problem successfully we've been through, is a part should we feel for the mature and enrich our mind, to produce a sincere gratitude.

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

Javanese Traditional Wedding

Java customary marriage or marriage symbolizes the meeting between a beautiful bride and handsome groom in a special atmosphere so that the groom and bride as king and queen of the day. Usually the wedding is held at the bride's parents' house and the parents of the bride who solemnize the marriage. Party groom usually only help make this the wedding ceremony can take place better.. The various events and ceremonies that must be done according to existing Java marriage is as follows.
If a couple of men and women already feel comfortable, then the groom's parents will send a delegation to the bride's parents can apply for their daughterIf the parents of the bride and groom have agreed to resume the marriage the female parent will start managing and preparing for the wedding. Those who choose the device or procedure and form of marriage, each of which has different procedures in terms of makeup and clothes, well for the groom or bride. Both the bride must follow all the wedding plans and the composition, such as Peningsetan, Siraman, Midodareni, Panggih.

Marriage Preparation
In marriage the most dominant Javanese wedding ceremony is set way of the shaman Pemaes bride who becomes the leader of the wedding, He take care of grooming and dress the groom and the bride a different shape for the wedding. Because the wedding ceremony is a great show, in addition to Pemaes who presided over the wedding, also formed a small committee composed of close friends, the family of the bride and groom.

Fitting decor
Usually the day before the wedding, the gate of her parents' house was decorated with Tarub (which uses various kinds of decorations tanaman), Consisting of banana trees, bananas, sugar cane, coconut and banyan leaves each having its own meaning, the point is that later The couple will live well and happy anywhere. The couple will love each other and will take care of their families. Another decoration is a flower Mayang prepared, namely a wreath consisting of a banana tree and coconut tree leaves.

"Siraman" or Splash of water
. The significance of the party are being washed to clean the body and soul. This water-pouring party usually held in the afternoon, the day before the wedding. Splash of water held in the bride's parents' house each. Spray is usually done in the bathroom or in the park. Usually people who do spray the parents and close family or an elder person.

"Midodareni " or Midodareni Ceremony
Usually the bride had to stay in the room from six o'clock until midnight and was accompanied by family or close relatives daughter. Usually they will advise and counsel. Family and close friends of the bride would come to visit, and all must be female.

Srah Srahan or Seserahan
Both families agreed to the marriage. They will be the besan. The family of the groom visit the bride's family, carrying a gift. On this occasion, the two families beramah hearted.

"Upacara Ijab Kabul "or Ijab Kabul ceremony

Javanese people usually speak of birth, marriage and death is the destiny of God. Answer to prayer ceremony is the most important terms in the ratified marriage. Execution of consent in accordance with the religion of the bride and groom. At the bride's parents consent to marry his son to the groom. And groom received the bride's illegitimate accompanied by delivery of a dowry for the bride. At the time this agreement will be witnessed by a prince or government officials who will record their marriages.

"Upacara panggih" or Panggih Ceremony
The meeting between a beautiful bride with the groom in front of handsome houses with ornamental plants in Tarub. Groom in between the family, arrived at the home of the bride's parents and stopped in front of the gate. The bride, in between the two elder women, walked out of the bridal chamber. Her parents and close family walked behind.

"Upacara balangan suruh" or Ceremony Balangan order
Meet the bride groom. They approached each other, about three meters away. They began to throw a bundle of betel leaves with lime in it together with white thread. They do it with passion and happiness, everyone is smiling happily. According to ancient belief, betel leaves have the power to reject the bad disorder. By throwing betel leaves to each other, it will try that they are really genuine people, not demons or other person who considers himself as a groom or a woman.
"Upacara wiji dadi" or Ceremony Wiji dadi
Pengantin laki-laki menginjak telur dengan kaki kanannya. The bridegroom stepped on an egg with his right foot. Wash the feet of the bride groom using water mixed with various flowers. That mean, that the groom is ready to become a father and husband who are responsible and the bride will serve the faithful husband.

"Tukar cincin" or Exchange ring
The exchange of wedding ring symbol of the sign of love.

"Upacara dahar kembul" or Ceremony dahar kembul
The couple eat together and fed each other. First, the bridegroom makes three small spots of rice with his right hand and give him to the bride. After the bride to eat it, he did the same for her husband. After they finished, they drink sweet tea. It describes the ceremony that the couple will use and enjoy a happy life with each other.

"Upacara sungkeman" or Sungkeman Ceremony
Bersujud to both the bride and groom's parents to ask blessings from their parents. First to the parents of the bride, then to the bridegroom's parents. During Sungkeman underway, Pemaes take keris from the groom. After Sungkeman, the groom wore back his kris.

"Pesta pernikahan" or Weddings
After the wedding ceremony is completed, then ended with a wedding. Receiving congratulations from the guests and invitations. Maybe this is part of the happiness to the two brides with the guests, family and invitees.

Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

java or "Jawa"

“ Jawa ” or "Java" is a term often heard in everyday interactions. Java is the name of an island in Indonesia.. This island is part of the great Sunda archipelago and the Sunda shelf, which in the period before the ice melts is the southeastern tip of the continent. 138,793.6 km2 Area of the island, is the thirteenth largest island in the world
This island is the largest population compared with other islands in Indonesia and is the island densest in Indonesia. The majority of the population on the island of Java Java is a tribe. Ethnic groups of Java, is Indonesia's largest tribe. They mainly live in the province of Central Java and East Java.

However, in the provinces of West Java are also found in many Javanese people, especially in Indramayu and Cirebon regency which the majority of people are a people who speak Javanese and Javanese culture. It also happened in the middle of the island of Java, were also found pockets of tribal communities or tribes Sunda. Sundanese-speaking nations, especially in Brebes and Cilacap district. In addition there are also tribal and ethnic Madurese in East Java and Bali Betawi people in west Java, Jakarta and surrounding cities.
Ethnic Javanese also spread in many parts of Indonesia such as in Lampung, Banten, Jakarta and North Sumatra. The Javanese also has a sub-tribe, like Osing and Tengger
In everyday interactions, most of the tribes of Java using Java language. In a survey conducted by Tempo magazine in the early 1990s, data showed that the number who use
Java as a language ahasa b sehari-hari mencapai 70%. daily to reach 70%. Sedangkan yang memakai bahasa Indonesia kurang lebih hanya 12%, sisanya sekitar 18% menggunakan bahasa secara campur antara b ahasa Jawa dan bahasa Indonesia. Meanwhile, Indonesian wearing only about 12%, the remaining approximately 18% using language in a mix between b ahasa Javanese and Indonesian language.
Java language has a vocabulary of different rules and intonation based on the relationship between speaker and listener, known as the unggah-ungguh. This linguistic aspect has a strong social influence in Java culture, and Java typically make people very conscious of their social status in society
According to the American anthropological research expert, Clifford Geertz, done in the 1960s, society was divided Javanese into three groups:
Kaum santri or The students, is a devout follower of Islam.
Kaum abangan or Abangan, are adherents of Islam in nominal or adherent Javanist.
Kaum Priyayi or The aristocracy, is the nobility.
Today Geertz opinion widely repudiated as he mixed adukkan between social groups with a group trust. Social categorization is also difficult to apply in classifying people out, let people of other Indonesian and non-indigenous ethnic groups such as people of Arab descent Tionghoa and India.
Most Javanese are nominally Muslim, then followed by Protestant and Catholic and Buddhist and Hindu religions. In addition to urban, adherents of a religion other than Islam can also be found in rural areas,
There are even some religious beliefs Java tribe called Javanist religion. This belief is mainly based on animistic beliefs with the Hindu-Buddhist influence is strong. Society is famous Javanese syncretism nature of belief. All foreign culture is absorbed and interpreted according to the values of Java so that the trust somebody sometimes become blurred.
Java tribe known as the type of "worker" good, not so demanding and tough, so many Javanese people who work as civil servants and the military, others worked as unskilled laborers, domestic servants and laborers in the forests outside country. In the field of business and industry, other than as workers, widening the java is not too prominent.
Art, in the life of Javanese people have a special place. Hence the famous Javanese culture. One of the most famous puppet performances or Wayang Kulit. This is the beauty of Hindu-Buddhist influence. Repertory puppet story or play is largely based on the epic Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Besides the influence of Hinduism and Buddhism, several other types of arts and culture also influenced by the Islamic religion and culture Western world.
In ethics, ethnic Javanese are known as polite and soft-spoken. But they are also known as ethnic groups that are closed and do not want to come clean. This trait is reportedly based on the character of the Javanese people who want to maintain harmony and avoid conflict or harmony, which is why they tend to be silent and did not argue when there is a difference of opinion.