Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

Java Tradition

Ruwahan derived from the word "Ruwah" is a sequence to seven months, and coincided with the month of sya’ban in Hijriyyah year. Ruwah Ruwah own words have the root word "spirit" or spirits of ancestors and forefathers. It is said that this is the meaning of the word ghost month, serve as the month to commemorate the ancestors.
Ruwahan done ten days before the fasting month (Ramadan. In this tradition a number of rites were held according to tradition and customs in each respective region or hamlets. The event starts from Mid syaban event, the procession around the city, besrik (clean villages) which are accompanied by small slametan ago kenduren at night. The next morning nyadran done, until its end at the end of the day padusan just before Lent. This tradition symbolizes the essence of purity and taste the joy of entering the religious fasting is a form of individual and collective faith of piety.
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Megengan tradition usually lasts a week before Eid. This tradition is carried out by sending food to the families and neighbors. Diverse types of food can be like: rice cone, Iwak ingkung, keper, thontho, gereh pethek, tempe, and will be but three kinds of food that should not be left out of sticky rice, compote, and apem. Each food type has a specific meaning and significance.
Ketan , or Sticky rice, this food is a symbol of close ties.
Kolak, foods that were processed using the sweet coconut milk, a symbol of familial relationships that are always harmonious and happy.
Apem, meaning foods that have a willingness to forgive each other
Megengan this tradition was not only to maintain social relationships but also helped turn the wheels of the economy. People needs food to surprise the market raises megengan ruwahan city-city students in Java. Since the number of people gathered, and a festive atmosphere make this shocked the market into one exciting event, just like Dugderan in Semarang or Dhandangan in Kudus. No wonder this ruwahan tradition of making people who live outside the area, always longing for home or called forth ruwahan.
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Nyadran Nyadran

Nyadran is a pilgrimage to the tomb to remind people of its origins (sangkan paraning dumadi) that the ancestors. Nyadran in membersihkah introduce the tomb and its surroundings from the weeds and trash and read the Prophet and yasin pray to God that those who have not always get a blessing from Gusti Allah.
Nyadran itself is derived from the word "Sradha", which is a tradition started by Queen Tribuana Tunggadewi, the third king of Majapahit. At that time Queen would like to make a prayer to the Queen mother Gayatri, and the spirit of ancestors who have been cremated at the temple Jabo. For such purpose dipersiapkanlah farrago servings to be donated to the gods. After the death of Queen Tribuana Tunggadewi, this tradition was continued also by Hayam Wuruk.
In the Islamic religion spread by the Wali Songo, the tradition was later adopted into nyadran ceremony as it aims to pray for the parents in the afterlife. As mentioned in various hadith, that when someone has died and is in the nature barzah, then all the good deeds in the world to be cut off except three things, namely jariyah charity, beneficial knowledge and a pious child's prayer. Therefore, it becomes the obligation of children and grandchildren to always pray for the dead spirits of their ancestors. Only dish that is made is no longer reserved for the gods, but as a means of alms to the poor.
In the event nyadran, assorted flowers sprinkled on the grave of their people we love, therefore also called nyekar nyadran (sekar = interest). The beauty and fragrance of flowers became a symbol for always remembering all the beautiful and the good of those who have preceded.
Tradition ruwahan rite concludes with the event padusan usually performed after Asr Dhuhr or to cleanse themselves physically and spiritually into the month of Ramadan.

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